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All games currently available through GameHub (7501-8000)
[1-500] ... [6501-7000], [7001-7500], [7501-8000], [8001-8500], [8501-9000] ... [153001-153500]
Silpheed - The Lost Planet

Super Dragon Ball Z

MotorStorm - Arctic Edge


Pirates - The Legend of Black Kat

Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII

UEFA Champions League 2006-2007

The Red Star

Dynasty Warriors 4 - Xtreme Legends

In the Groove

Dynasty Warriors 3 - Xtreme Legends

Jak and Daxter - The Lost Frontier


Sega SuperStars

Disney Golf

Arc the Lad - Twilight of the Spirits

Dragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi

All-Star Baseball 2005

Legend of Kay

Ar tonelico II - Melody of Metafalica

Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood

G1 Jockey 3

The King of Fighters 2000 and 2001

Wild ARMs 5

Project Eden

Mobile Suit Gundam - Zeonic Front


Graffiti Kingdom

Total Overdose - A Gunslingers Tale in Mexico

CMT Presents - Karaoke Revolution Country

Kessen II

Rugby 2005

Forgotten Realms - Demon Stone

Shinobi (2002)

Bloody Roar 3

Star Wars - Super Bombad Racing

MotoGP 4

State of Emergency

Metal Slug 4 and 5

Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers

Rogue Trooper

F1 Championship Season 2000

Dynasty Warriors 4 - Empires

P.T.O. IV - Pacific Theater of Operations

Resident Evil Outbreak

Romance of the Three Kingdoms X

Ar tonelico - Melody of Elemia

EyeToy - AntiGrav

Sub Rebellion

Gallop Racer 2001

Suzuki TT Superbikes

Castlevania - Curse of Darkness

BloodRayne 2

Tom Clancys Ghost Recon - Jungle Storm

.hack and and Outbreak Part 3

Wizardry - Tale of the Forsaken Land

NBA Live 2002

Dual Hearts

Silent Hill - Origins

Gallop Racer 2004

Enthusia Professional Racing


Test Drive Off-Road Wide Open

F1 Career Challenge

Hot Shots Tennis

.hack and and Quarantine Part 4

Nobunagas Ambition - Rise to Power


Buzz! Junior - Jungle Party


Fatal Fury - Battle Archives Volume 2

NFL Street 3

Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2

Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball Maxd

SingStar Pop Vol. 2

Okage - Shadow King

Ferrari F355 Challenge

Mana Khemia 2 - Fall of Alchemy

Syphon Filter - Dark Mirror

Wild Arms 4

Shining Force Neo

MX Rider

Herdy Gerdy

Mana Khemia - Alchemists of Al-Revis

IndyCar Series

Guitar Hero Encore - Rocks the 80s

.hack and and G.U. vol. 1 and and Rebirth

NBA Ballers - Phenom

Haven - Call of the King

RPG Maker 3

Marc Eckos Getting Up - Contents Under Pressure

SWAT - Global Strike Team

Buzz! Junior - Dino Den

Ghosthunter (2003)

Gallop Racer 2006

Oni (2001)


The Matrix - Path of Neo

Silent Line - Armored Core

Clock Tower 3

Downforce (2002)

SingStar Rocks!

Dynasty Warriors 5

Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI

Kya - Dark Lineage

Kingdom Hearts Re -Chain of Memories

Sega Bass Fishing Duel

Unison - Rebels of Rhythm and Dance

Rise to Honor

Cold Fear

Hannspree Ten Kate Honda - SBK Superbike World Championship

World Tour Soccer 2005

Rise of the Kasai

Suikoden Tactics

Evil Dead - Regeneration

The Punisher

NASCAR (2006)

Army Men - RTS

Gallop Racer 2003 - A New Breed

Monster Hunter

Wallace and Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Atelier Iris 2 - The Azoth of Destiny

Nightshade (2003)

Taito Legends

Mega Man X8


Phantasy Star Universe

Hunter - The Reckoning Wayward

Fatal Fury - Battle Archives Volume 1

Grandia Xtreme

Gungrave - Overdose

Shadow Man - 2econd Coming

BeatMania (1998)

K-1 World Grand Prix

Fullmetal Alchemist 2 - Curse of the Crimson Elixir

Naval Ops - Warship Gunner

Just Cause

World Championship Poker 2 - Featuring Howard Lederer

Gadget Racers

The Operative - No One Lives Forever

Technic Beat

Freestyle Metal X

NBA Jam (2003)

The X-Files - Resist or Serve

PaRappa the Rapper 2

Outlaw Tennis

Haunting Ground

Commandos 2 - Men of Courage

Legaia 2 - Duel Saga

Tsugunai - Atonement

Top Spin


Lupin the 3rd - Treasure of the Sorcerer King

Taito Legends 2

Blood Will Tell

Fishermans Challenge

Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex (2004)

Time Crisis - Crisis Zone

Aeon Flux

Rumble Roses

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Mobile Suit Gundam - Encounters in Space

Aliens Versus Predator - Extinction

Jet X2O

Samurai Champloo - Sidetracked

Atari Anthology

S.L.A.I. - Steel Lancer Arena International

NeoGeo Battle Coliseum

Super Trucks Racing

Disaster Report

NFL Head Coach

Gretzky NHL 2005

Arthur and the Invisibles

The Bouncer


Arena Football (2006)

Battlestar Galactica (2003)

WinBack - Covert Operations

The King of Fighters 2006


Duel Masters

Magna Carta - Tears of Blood

Tokobot Plus - Mysteries of the Karakuri

AirForce Delta Strike

Neo Contra

World Destruction League - Thunder Tanks

NFL GameDay 2004

Indiana Jones and the Emperors Tomb

Triple Play 2002

Mister Mosquito


Onimusha Blade Warriors

Rocky - Legends

Flow - Urban Dance Uprising

RPG Maker II

Chaos Legion

Brave - The Search for Spirit Dancer

Resident Evil - Dead Aim

Q-Ball - Billiards Master

Taz Wanted

Vampire Night


Gladiator - Sword of Vengeance

Stretch Panic

Naval Ops - Commander

ESPN NFL PrimeTime 2002

Eternal Poison

Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain

MS Saga - A New Dawn

Tim Burtons The Nightmare Before Christmas - Oogies Revenge


Thunderstrike - Operation Phoenix

Mad Maestro!

Summer Heat Beach Volleyball

Silent Scope 2 - Dark Silhouette

ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002

Heroes of Might and Magic - Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff

Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel

Street Fighter EX3

Aero Elite - Combat Academy

Alias (2004)

Dogs Life

Devil Kings

Shaun Palmers Pro Snowboarder

King of Fighters - Maximum Impact

Shining Force EXA

Warhammer 40,000 - Fire Warrior

Fur Fighters - Viggos Revenge

Flipnic - Ultimate Pinball

Fire Blade

Musashi - Samurai Legend

Global Touring Challenge - Africa

Van Helsing

Forever Kingdom

Gradius III and IV


Chaos Wars

Crash Twinsanity

Intellivision Lives! (2010)

Wrath Unleashed

Wild Wild Racing

Suikoden IV

Worms Forts - Under Siege

NBA Live 07



Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events

Digimon Rumble Arena 2

Raw Danger!

Stacked with Daniel Negreanu

Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3

ProStroke Golf - World Tour 2007

Outlaw Golf 2

NBA 06

Firefighter F.D. 18

Crash N Burn

Atelier Iris 3 - Grand Phantasm

Seek and Destroy

City Crisis

NCAA March Madness 07

Britneys Dance Beat

Pinball Hall of Fame - The Gottlieb Collection


Naruto - Uzumaki Chronicles

Top Gear - Dare Devil

Alter Echo

MotoGP 07 (2007)

Crimson Tears

Kengo - Master of Bushido

ESPN International Winter Sports 2002

Metal Saga

Headhunter - Redemption

Ratchet and Clank - Size Matters

24 - The Game

Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires


NBA ShootOut 2003

Big Mutha Truckers

Arena Football - Road to Glory

Buzz! Junior - RoboJam

Godzilla - Save the Earth

Warship Gunner 2

Eternal Ring

Conflict - Global Terror

Wave Rally

Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum

Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Challenge

El Tigre - The Adventures of Manny Rivera

Gretzky NHL 06

Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter

Athens 2004

Soccer Mania

MLB 2004

Galactic Wrestling - Featuring Ultimate Muscle

Neopets - The Darkest Faerie

NCAA GameBreaker 2004

.hack and and G.U. vol. 2 and and Reminisce

Dance Dance Revolution - Disney Channel Edition

Raiden III

Rugby 2004

Spy Fiction

Secret Agent Clank

Jim Hensons Muppets Party Cruise

Sunny Garcia Surfing

Shining Tears

Silent Scope 3

Ape Escape - Pumped and Primed

Lifeline (2004)

Bratz - Rock Angelz


.hack and and G.U. vol. 3 and and Redemption

Kings Field - The Ancient City

Risk - Global Domination (2003)

Ninja Assault

World Poker Tour (2005)

Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude

Art of Fighting Anthology

Urban Reign

NFL GameDay 2003

Growlanser - Heritage of War

Echo Night Beyond

SpongeBob SquarePants - Lights, Camera, Pants!

Finny the Fish and the Seven Waters

Disneys Stitch - Experiment 626

Arc the Lad - End of Darkness

Castle of Shikigami

Lethal Skies Elite Pilot - Team SW

Soldier of Fortune - Gold Edition

ESPN NBA 2Night 2002

FIFA Street

Gauntlet - Seven Sorrows

Rule of Rose

Total Immersion Racing

Froggers Adventures - The Rescue

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses


Cabelas Big Game Hunter

The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring

Nicktoons - Battle for Volcano Island

Bloody Roar 4

Armored Core - Last Raven

Robin Hood - Defender of the Crown

Motor Mayhem - Vehicular Combat League

Asterix and Obelix - Kick Buttix

Pryzm Chapter One - The Dark Unicorn

Way of the Samurai 2



Playboy - The Mansion

The Fast and the Furious (2006)

Riding Spirits

Tokyo Xtreme Racer DRIFT

Everblue 2

NBA ShootOut 2004

Commandos Strike Force

Eagle Eye Golf

L.A. Rush

Samurai Western

ShellShock - Nam 67

Resident Evil Outbreak File #2

Conflict - Vietnam

Yanya Caballista - City Skater

CART Fury Championship Racing

Drakengard 2

ESPN X Games Skateboarding

Samurai Warriors 2

The Terminator - Dawn of Fate

Fighter Maker 2

Delta Force - Black Hawk Down

Tenchu - Fatal Shadows

Constantine (2005)

Monster Rancher EVO


Mega Man X7

Romancing SaGa

RLH - Run Like Hell

Mobile Suit Gundam - Journey to Jaburo

SD Gundam Force - Showdown!

Dirge of Cerberus - Final Fantasy VII


Supercar Street Challenge

Armored Core - Nine Breaker

The Getaway - Black Monday



The King of Route 66

Spy Hunter 2

Mobile Suit Gundam - Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam

Outlaw Volleyball Remixed

Drome Racers

Myst III - Exile

Destruction Derby Arenas

BASS Strike

Robotech - Invasion

Dynasty Warriors 5 - Xtreme Legends


The Nightmare of Druaga

Ruff Trigger - The Vanocore Conspiracy


EOE - Eve of Extinction

NCAA GameBreaker 2001

The Great Escape (2003)

Capcom Fighting Evolution

NCAA Final Four 2003

Iridium Runners

NHL FaceOff 2001

Dawn of Mana

World Tour Soccer 2006

Savage Skies

MLB SlugFest 2006

Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel

High School Musical - Sing It!

Dance Factory

Yu Yu Hakusho - Dark Tournament

Colosseum - Road to Freedom

Under the Skin

Warriors Orochi

NHL FaceOff 2003

IGPX - Immortal Grand Prix

Showdown - Legends of Wrestling

Driving Emotion Type-S

Samurai Warriors 2 Empires

Evil Dead - A Fistful of Boomstick

Orphen - Scion of Sorcery

Hot Wheels - Velocity X

UFC - Sudden Impact

Army Men - Sarges Heroes 2

Astro Boy

NCAA March Madness 2002

NBA ShootOut 2001

Shaman King - Power of Spirit

Combat Elite - WWII Paratroopers

Ghost Rider

The Da Vinci Code

Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Marz

Real Pool

Curious George

World Heroes Anthology

HSX HyperSonic.Xtreme

The Adventures of Darwin

NCAA GameBreaker 2003


Dark Angel - Vampire Apocalypse

Cy Girls

World Championship Poker - Featuring Howard Lederer - All In

EyeToy - Operation Spy

Portal Runner

NBA Starting Five


Top Angler

187 Ride or Die

Jaws Unleashed

Disney and Pixar Monsters, Inc. (2002)

The Dukes of Hazzard - Return of the General Lee

Seven Samurai 20XX

NCAA Final Four 2002

Naruto - Uzumaki Chronicles 2

Inuyasha - Feudal Combat

Warriors Orochi 2

Star Trek - Voyager Elite Force

Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Angel of Darkness

Inuyasha - The Secret of the Cursed Mask

Pirates of the Caribbean - The Legend of Jack Sparrow

Malice (2004)

Looney Tunes - Back in Action

Stolen (2005)

Big Mutha Truckers 2

Backyard Wrestling - Dont Try This at Home

And 1 Streetball

River King - A Wonderful Journey

Legion - The Legend of Excalibur

Dead to Rights II

Trivial Pursuit Unhinged

NFL GameDay 2001


Star Trek - Encounters

NFL GameDay 2002

Tekkens Nina Williams in - Death by Degrees

Spy Hunter - Nowhere to Run


Men in Black II - Alien Escape

Reservoir Dogs

Dino Stalker

Galerians - Ash

Ford Racing 3

Ford Bold Moves Street Racing


Dragon Rage (2001)

Samurai Warriors 2 - Xtreme Legends

Family Guy

WTA Tour Tennis


Th3 Plan

Codename - Kids Next Door - Operation V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E.

Salt Lake 2002

Stunt GP

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - The Beginning of Destiny

NCAA Final Four 2001

RTX Red Rock

[1-500] ... [6501-7000], [7001-7500], [7501-8000], [8001-8500], [8501-9000] ... [153001-153500]