Hiragana Pixel Party
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GameHub index: 98757
Release on platforms:1. PC: N/A
2. Nintendo Switch: N/A
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About the game:Genre: Edutainment
Developer: Springloaded
Publisher: Springloaded
Metascore: 571. PC: N/A
2. Nintendo Switch: 57
Reviews and Overviews:[80/100] Nintendo Life
[70/100] NintendoWorldReport
[60/100] FNintendo
[60/100] Switch Player
[40/100] Digitally Downloaded
[20/100] Cubed3
Game Info:A chiptune rhythm-action game that also teaches you something. Learn to read Japanese Hiragana and Katakana characters in a fun chiptune adventure. Not just for people who want to learn Japanese, this is a game anyone can enjoy. Progress through 16 different worlds remembering patterns and repeating them in time to an all-original chip music soundtrack! Learn how to recognize the shapes and sounds of each symbol in the Hiragana and Katakana syllabaries. Learn them all and be able to easily read and pronounce Japanese words. [Nintendo]