Homeworld - Deserts of Kharak - Soban Fleet Pack
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GameHub index: 95533
Release on platforms:PC: March 22, 2016
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About the game:Genre: Command RTS
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: Gearbox Software
Metascore: N/APC: N/A
Reviews and Overviews:[70/100] High-Def Digest
Game Info:Kiith Soban are a highly respected force within the Northern Coalition. Although their tactical prowess is renowned, it is their ability to leverage advanced military technologies to deliver devastating long-range attacks, disrupt enemy movements, and manipulate the battlefield that has made them one of the most effective fleets to enter the battlefield in years.
This fleet pack will add the new playable fleet, Kiith Soban, to multiplayer and skirmish modes in Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak. The Soban Fleet includes a new CARRIER, RAILGUN, BASERUNNER and BATTLECRUISER.