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Raiden Fighters Aces
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GameHub index: 9191

Release on platforms:
Xbox 360: May 7, 2009

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About the game:
Genre: Vertical Shoot-'Em-Up
Developer: Success
Publisher: Valcon Games

Metascore: 73
Xbox 360: 73

Reviews and Overviews:
[100/100] 1UP
[82/100] Cheat Code Central
[70/100] Gaming Target
[65/100] GameSpot
[60/100] Giant Bomb

Game Info:
The First and last Word in Action. The Raiden Fighters series has finally arrived on the Xbox 360. All three arcade classics have been faithfully recreated in this ultimate collection. A new Training mode lets you modify every aspect your ships and wingmen, skip to any level, or play in slow-motion. Comprehensive screen and control settings let you play each game full-screen as a side-scroller, or even vertically on a rotated 4:3 display. Play 2-player co-op games offline, or play Arcade Mode as a lone-wolf, posting high-scores and gameclips to Xbox Live. [Valcon Games]