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Tokyo 42
Google | YouTube | Metacritic
GameHub index: 8808

Release on platforms:
1. Xbox One: May 31, 2017
2. Playstation 4: N/A
3. PC: May 31, 2017

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About the game:
Genre: Top-Down Shoot-'Em-Up
Developer: Mode 7 Games
Publisher: Mode 7 Games

Metascore: 70
1. Xbox One: 71
2. Playstation 4: N/A
3. PC: 70

Reviews and Overviews:
[90/100] USgamer
[80/100] PCGamesN
[70/100] Games.cz
[70/100] PC Invasion
[65/100] Meristation
[60/100] Hardcore Gamer

Game Info:
Tokyo 42 is the lovechild of Syndicate and GTA 1. Set in a future Tokyo, the game will see you become an assassin and uncover a dark conspiracy that will affect everyone.