Delirious (2014)
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GameHub index: 84048
Release on platforms:PC: June 16, 2014
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About the game:Genre: First-Person Adventure
Developer: DontHugTheCupcake
Publisher: DontHugTheCupcake
Metascore: N/APC: N/A
Game Info:A forest known as the "Littlecreek Forest" - Once a beautiful, blossoming forest that attracted many tourists until it was set to be chopped down to make room for apartment buildings and become a suburbian nightmare. Before the "renovation" of the forest there were many rumors going around due to the old mansion that had been there for at least a hundred years. During the "renovation" there were said that many of the workers in the forest disappeared or became delirious. You wake up in one of the small houses surrounding this mansion after your car has slided of the road and you knocked yourself out. One of the couples who're still inhabiting the forest found you but are mysteriously gone when you wake up. Nothing but a flashlight and a note in front of you.