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Sub Rebellion
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GameHub index: 7550

Release on platforms:
Playstation 2: October 12, 2002

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About the game:
Genre: Marine Combat Sim
Developer: Irem
Publisher: Metro3D

Metascore: 71
Playstation 2: 71

Reviews and Overviews:
[80/100] GameCritics
[79/100] GameZone
[70/100] IGN
[67/100] XenGamers
[60/100] PSX Nation
[40/100] Gamer's Pulse

Game Info:
Hi-Tech Alliance nuclear attack submarine at Minus 1,000 feet. Your mission is simple: Blow the Meluguis Empire to kingdom come. Underwater, your adversary will never see you coming. They better not hear you either. Non-stop, adrenaline-pumping action and adventure await you and your crew. Move full speed ahead around a massive post-apocalyptic underwater world in the most intense sub shooter ever. [Metro3D]