Tales From Space - About a Blob
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GameHub index: 6474
Release on platforms:Playstation 3: February 8, 2011
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About the game:Genre: 2D Platformer
Developer: DrinkBox Studios
Publisher: DrinkBox Studios
Metascore: 76Playstation 3: 76
Reviews and Overviews:[85/100] Gamers' Temple
[80/100] TotalPlayStation
[80/100] Eurogamer
[78/100] NZGamer
[71/100] 3DJuegos
[70/100] Gamestyle
[60/100] Joystiq
Game Info:Tales from Space: About a Blob is a game about a race of alien blobs that land on an Earth-like planet and start eating everything around them. Eating is just what Blobs do - they can't really help themselves. Although the Blobs aren't really out to hurt anyone, mistrustful humans greet them with hostility.