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GameHub index: 6054

Release on platforms:
1. Playstation 4: July 17, 2019
2. PC: N/A

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About the game:
Genre: Survival
Developer: Factoria Cultural Gestio, S.L.
Publisher: Factoria Cultural Gestio, S.L.

Metascore: 44
1. Playstation 4: 44
2. PC: N/A

Reviews and Overviews:
[65/100] Vandal
[62/100] Hobby Consolas
[55/100] Gamers' Temple
[40/100] PlayStation Country
[30/100] GameCritics
[30/100] TheSixthAxis
[25/100] Gaming Age

Game Info:
Coast Guard paramedic Jack Ballard, recently reincorporated after the death of his wife, responds to an emergency call from an offshore structure in high seas. The place seems to be abandoned, so who sent the message? Are you afraid of deep water? You will be.