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The Castle Game
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GameHub index: 5572

Release on platforms:
Playstation 4: August 4, 2015

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About the game:
Genre: Defense
Developer: Neptune Interactive Inc.
Publisher: Neptune Interactive Inc.

Metascore: 68
Playstation 4: 68

Reviews and Overviews:
[80/100] Brash Games
[80/100] CGMagazine
[80/100] PSNStores
[65/100] Multiplayer.it
[60/100] Hardcore Gamer
[60/100] TheSixthAxis
[45/100] GamingTrend

Game Info:
Ever played escort missions in a tower defense setting? Imagine using the defenses and walls to keep the enemies out, but also having safe and open paths for your allies to run through. Or how about having all the structures be destroyable? Now, some enemies are pretty dumb and will follow the path you cleverly designed, but the smarter ones will take out any structure that can pose a threat to them. So now you have defenses that can be damaged. To balance things out, you are given a giant hammer that can quickly repair structures. Engineers are also available to auto-repair any damaged structures nearby. [Neptune Interactive]