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Rick and Morty - Virtual Rick-ality
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GameHub index: 5448

Release on platforms:
1. Playstation 4: April 10, 2018
2. PC: April 15, 2017

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About the game:
Genre: First-Person Adventure
Developer: Nighthawk Interactive
Publisher: Adult Swim

Metascore: 72
1. Playstation 4: 70
2. PC: 75

Reviews and Overviews:
[83/100] Gaming Age
[75/100] PlayStation Universe
[72/100] Hobby Consolas
[70/100] Multiplayer.it
[70/100] Meristation
[65/100] Vandal
[55/100] Gaming Nexus

Game Info:
Rick and Morty have teleported into your living room for a cutting-edge VR adventure from Adult Swim Games and Owlchemy Labs (Job Simulator). Play as a Morty clone as you explore Rick's garage, the Smith household, and alien worlds. Experience life as a clone of Morty and all the trauma that comes with it. Step through portals to strange worlds, help Rick with his bizarre experiments, and use your hands in VR to pick up and play in an interaction-filled 3D Rick-ality. Follow Rick's directions (or don't!) to solve puzzles and complete missions in this fully voice acted adventure.