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EverQuest II - The Fallen Dynasty
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GameHub index: 48883

Release on platforms:
PC: June 14, 2006

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About the game:
Developer: Sony Online Entertainment
Publisher: Sony Online Entertainment

Metascore: N/A

Reviews and Overviews:
[70/100] GamesRadar+

Game Info:
The Fallen Dynasty Adventure Pack delivers the same downloadable story-rich content seen in the previously released The Bloodline Chronicles and The Splitpaw Saga, but this time with Asian influenced adventure zones, weapons, tradeskill rewards, as well as all new quests for the high level EverQuest II player. Journey to a secluded island with a dark past, inhabited by rival families and an ancient order of monks known as the Whistling Fist Clan. The forsaken city of Tanaan once thrived here until its people's lust for knowledge led them to their own destruction when they arrogantly challenged the mighty guardian of Zebuxoruk's secrets. Now, courageous adventurers are needed to drive back the bloodthirsty Pirates of Gunthak invading the village's shores, thirsty for conquest, lost wealth, and the mysterious power hidden beneath the island's tranquil surface. [Sony Online Entertainment]