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Remnant II - The Forgotten Kingdom
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GameHub index: 42868

Release on platforms:
1. Xbox Series S/X: N/A
2. Playstation 5: N/A
3. PC: N/A

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About the game:
Genre: Third Person Shooter
Developer: Arc Games
Publisher: Arc Games

Metascore: 78
1. Xbox Series S/X: N/A
2. Playstation 5: N/A
3. PC: 78

Reviews and Overviews:
[85/100] God is a Geek
[80/100] COGconnected
[80/100] Windows Central
[80/100] CGMagazine
[75/100] GameCritics
[70/100] Hardcore Gamer

Game Info:
New storyline, dungeons, and area on Yaesha
The Invoker Archetype
Multiple weapons, equipment, rings, amulets, and modifications
Bosses, enemy types, and NPC characters to meet