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GameHub index: 3265

Release on platforms:
Nintendo 3DS: December 8, 2011

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About the game:
Genre: Action Puzzle
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo

Metascore: 90
Nintendo 3DS: 90

Reviews and Overviews:
[100/100] D+PAD Magazine
[100/100] Modojo
[92/100] Official Nintendo Magazine UK
[90/100] Vandal
[90/100] Nintendo Life
[85/100] Meristation
[80/100] Metro GameCentral

Game Info:
(Also known at "Pullblox" in the UK/EU) Pushmo is a puzzle-action game in which you pull and push blocks to create a place to stand so you can jump up and down on your way to a goal. At first glance, some places may look out of reach, but if you use your head, you just may see a way to the goal...