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About the game:
Genre: Tycoon
Developer: ZodTTD
Publisher: ZodTTD

Metascore: N/A

Game Info:
Simutrans, the one and only transport tycoon game right on your iPhone & iPod Touch!
Based on the hit PC version, you can now transport your goods, develop cities, and become the wealthiest tycoon out there.
Even build trains, tracks, trucks, and roads...there's so much to do in Simutrans!
If you love games like Transport Tycoon Deluxe or Sim City, then it's time bring out the hardcore tycoon gamer in you and play Simutrans!
It's absolutely FREE too! No ads, no nags!
Tips on playing:
- Simutrans is very deep and involved tycoon game. There's a Wiki based manual in several languages located at: http://wiki.simutrans.com/
- To scroll around the map view, swipe two fingers (multitouch).
Feedback is critical:
- Visit http://www.zodttd.com and be sure to leave feedback on Simutrans.
- As this is based on the PC version, there are user interface elements that are difficult to tap. This is a known issue and is being worked on.
More graphics:
- I will be adding more graphic sets to Simutrans in updates.
- Have a favorite graphics "pak" from Simutrans for the desktop? Let me know and I will consider it for an update!
Note 1: I am working hard at an update to make tapping smaller user interface items easier.
Note 2: The right to bring this title to AppStore has been obtained by the original authors of Simutrans. Sourcecode available at: http://github.com/zodttd/simutrans/tree/master