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Roogoo - Twisted Towers
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GameHub index: 2524

Release on platforms:
Nintendo Wii: June 30, 2009

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About the game:
Genre: Puzzle
Developer: SouthPeak Games
Publisher: SouthPeak Games

Metascore: 67
Nintendo Wii: 67

Reviews and Overviews:
[85/100] Deeko
[80/100] Worth Playing
[68/100] Cheat Code Central
[65/100] NintendoWorldReport
[60/100] GameSpot
[30/100] Zentendo

Game Info:
Players help the Roogoo by guiding colorful meteors through rotating platforms in an effort to stop the evil Meemoos from draining their planets energy. Utilizing unique, motion-sensitive Wii controls, players rotate platforms, capture pieces and stop the evil Meemoos in entirely new ways. Interactive backgrounds and new gameplay twists builds upon the addicting action found in the original. Up to four players can play in new modes that feature adversarial, cooperative and party play. [SouthPeak Games]