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Millennium 5 - The Battle of the Millennium
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GameHub index: 24107

Release on platforms:
PC: July 21, 2013

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About the game:
Genre: JRPG
Developer: Aldorlea Games
Publisher: Aldorlea Games

Metascore: N/A

Game Info:
Marine has less than a week to get her friends (and herself) ready for the incredible showdown in Mystrock.
But as tempers flare and time runs out, isn't the whole enterprise in danger of failing from the start?
Is Marine's vision a glorious quest... or a sinking ship? And how can peasants face martial artists and their hordes of fans in their own arena?
Find out what happens in the "Battle of the Millennium"!


- 19 playable characters!
- 40 secret rooms!
- 18 sidequests!
- The epic finale of the Millennium saga!