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Games Index

Unicorn Overlord
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GameHub index: 165

Release on platforms:
1. Xbox Series S/X: March 8, 2024
2. Playstation 5: March 8, 2024
3. Playstation 4: N/A
4. Nintendo Switch: March 8, 2024

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About the game:
Genre: Real-Time Tactics
Developer: Atlus
Publisher: Sega

Metascore: 87
1. Xbox Series S/X: 87
2. Playstation 5: 86
3. Playstation 4: N/A
4. Nintendo Switch: 89

Reviews and Overviews:
[100/100] RPGamer
[90/100] IGN Spain
[90/100] PCMag
[90/100] CGMagazine
[85/100] Game Informer
[80/100] Impulsegamer
[80/100] Metro GameCentral

Game Info:
From the masterminds that brought 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim and Odin Sphere, ATLUS x Vanillaware presents the rebirth of tactical fantasy RPG. Fight against fate and embark on a royal adventure to regain your reign alongside trustworthy allies. Unicorn Overlord combines the timeless tactical RPG genre with overworld exploration and innovative battle system for a unique epic fantasy experience in the iconic Vanillaware style.