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Journey of a Roach
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GameHub index: 12011

Release on platforms:
PC: November 4, 2013

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About the game:
Genre: Point-and-Click
Developer: Daedalic Entertainment
Publisher: Daedalic Entertainment

Metascore: 65
PC: 65

Reviews and Overviews:
[75/100] XGN
[70/100] Eurogamer Italy
[68/100] COGconnected
[60/100] Critical Hit
[40/100] Hardcore Gamer

Game Info:
Journey of a Roach is developed by the Swiss team of Koboldgames in co-operation with Daedalic Entertainment. Players will visit a sarcastic, post-apocalyptic world where Roach Jim and his sidekick Bud are out and about to find their way from a deserted vault to the Earth's surface. Players must steer them through classic point & click adventure game puzzles. Certain challenges can be overcome by using the roach's natural abilities. Being roaches, Jim and Bud have the ability to crawl up walls and on ceilings, as well as on items.