Sudden Strike II
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GameHub index: 11801
Release on platforms:PC: September 26, 2002
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About the game:Genre: Real-Time Strategy
Developer: cdv Software
Publisher: cdv Software
Metascore: 68PC: 68
Reviews and Overviews:[84/100] ActionTrip
[80/100] IGN
[70/100] Yahoo!
[64/100] Gamers' Temple
[52/100] GameSpot
Game Info:The whole world is nothing but a battlefield. And you are on the front line - in the very center of realistic battle action, which even amazes and delights the shrewdest strategy experts. As the commander of German, Russian, British, American and, finally, Japanese troops, you fight on water and on land as well as in the air. You can extend your actions through numerous specific commands in remarkable ways. The four different available difficulty levels and the fascinating multiplayer mode are thrilling beyond imagination. The user-friendly editor allows for unlimited supplies of professionally generated maps and missions - making sure the action never ends. With Sudden Strike II the war is far from over! [CDV]